I'm very behind on posting to my blog, but wanted to share some photos that my 7th grade students took a few weeks back. For the first photography assignment I had students try to find hidden letters of the alphabet around the school. This was a project that I did in my Intro to Photography course at Syracuse University many years back. Since the assignment is still memorable to me all these years later, I thought my students might also enjoy it. You can also buy custom gifts using photo letters at sites like this.
To begin the project, I have them watch the commercial below. We discuss how the images are interesting because they make you look at everyday objects in a different way. This ties well into introducting students to be creative with both their subject matter and how they take their photography shots.
To begin the project, I have them watch the commercial below. We discuss how the images are interesting because they make you look at everyday objects in a different way. This ties well into introducting students to be creative with both their subject matter and how they take their photography shots.
Students worked in groups of 2-3 with one camera. Their goal was to walk around the school looking for hidden letters in their everyday environment. While it was mostly an exercise in being creative with their photography, I did also encourage them think about their composition and perspective of each shot.
Here are some of their letters!
Here are some of their letters!